Start Webinars with Music

Illustration of head with headphones

We’ve been playing some tunes for our webinar participants this week while we were waiting for start time. This has had the unintended yet desirable consequence of allowing our participants to make sure they are hearing sound from their computer as well, and we’ve been asked about a hundred times, “How did you do that?” Thanks to my friend and colleague Jessica for the idea and knowledge! Now, we can all have music to start our webinars or meetings with Zoom!

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Amy Mayer, nationally known speaker and Google professional development guru, got her start in education as an English and Foreign Language teacher. Since that time, she’s served as a district level director of multiple varieties and now is the CEO of friEdTech, a Google & Microsoft partner company serving districts across the United States. Amy is passionate about student (and teacher) engagement and equity in education.

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