AI in Education

friEdTech provides professional development that ranges from teacher-centered applications of AI tools to technology leader-centered collaboration wherein we more closely explore the impact and implications of AI and help school leaders develop policy and acceptable use guidelines for their organizations.  In collaboration with our partners at AI Ed Pro, we also help Education Technology Directors and other technical staff understand the implications and infrastructure needed for AI including facilitating building internal AI applications.

Live and Virtual Opportunities for Teachers

3 Session Choices

Session 1: Leveraging AI in the Elementary Classroom

During this session, explore some practical applications of Artificial Intelligence in the K-5 classroom, such as creating accommodations for various learners and developing personalized learning plans for differentiated classrooms. Participants will gain some basic understanding of how AI works and ways to use it for classroom productivity (for example, to ease the language barrier between you, your students, and their parents). They will walk away with clever ideas for leveraging AI in their Elementary Classrooms!

Session 2: Leveraging AI in the Middle School Classroom

Explore some practical applications of Artificial Intelligence in the 6th-8th grade classroom, such as creating accommodations for various learners and developing personalized learning plans for differentiated classrooms. Participants will gain some basic understanding of how AI works, ways to detect and avoid dishonest practices and help students understand academic integrity. They will walk away with a few clever ideas for leveraging AI in their Middle School Classrooms!

Session 3: Leveraging AI in the High School Classroom

Artificial Intelligence can be instrumental in the 9th-12th grade classroom for tasks such as creating accommodations and developing personalized learning plans for differentiated learners. During this session, participants will gain some fundamental understanding of AI, explore strategies for detecting and avoiding dishonest practices, and walk away with clever ideas for leveraging AI in their High School Classrooms!

AI EdPro Offerings

Presented by Jim and Maurie Beasley

While a more general approach may be helpful with classroom adoption of AI tools, there is also a need for more specialized support and professional development. friEdTech, in partnership with AI Education Professionals, can offer more customized support for the following:

  • AI Integration Roadmaps for Implementation into Institutions
  • AI Hosted Services (i.e., Employee On-boarding tools)
  • AI On-demand Learning Experience Content
  • AI Specific Content for friEd partners (i.e., training on Google, Microsoft, Intuit, etc., AI-integrated tools)
  • Access to AI-specific podcasts and published materials
  • Access to AI developers

Learn more about how Jim is integrating AI in his district:

Asynchronous AI Courses

Five friEdOnline Courses Covering How Teachers Can Best Use AI are Coming in Winter 2023

  • Course 1: AI Unveiled: The Future of Education is Here (2 hours)
  • Course 2: Enchanted Learning with AI: Crafting Innovative Lessons (1 hour)
  • Course 3: The Inclusive Aura of AI: Nurturing Culture and Belonging (1 hour)
  • Course 4: AI as Your Feedback Sidekick (1 hour)
  • Course 5: AI's Time-Saving Magic (1 hour)

Contact Us to Get Started on Your EdTech AI Journey

"[friEdTechnology] gave us the courage to dive into conversations regarding PBL. You utilized a model I had wanted to use for training and watching you facilitate using that model helped me before doing it on my own."

Edna Phythian

Highland Park ISD, Global Connections Liaison