Education Technology Tools
In August of 2019, the friEdTech team entered into a partnership with Newsela, one of our favorite EdTech companies. Newsela has a single goal: Meaningful classroom learning for every student. Like friEdTech, they strive to provide engaging, relevant instructional content for teachers that both educates and inspires. With nearly two million teachers signed up, Newsela…
Read MoreIn mid 2020 and early 2021, Google for Education launched a litany of product updates to meet the ever evolving needs of the virtual and blended classrooms. As with any major product roll outs, communication was vital for users to feel comfortable and excited about changes made to their favorite classroom tools. Enter friEdTech. Amy…
Read MoreThe state of Mississippi has made huge strides in academic growth over the last several years, and the global pandemic of 2020 did not slow them down! Under the leadership of Mississippi Department of Education Superintendent, Dr. Carey Wright, the state was able to procure funding from the Mississippi Legislature for their MS Connects Digital…
Read MoreIn 2019, schools all over the nation and world found themselves moving to online learning, and we’re hearing from teachers that there is a knowledge gap that needs filling immediately. For this reason, the friEdTech team recorded a series of free webinars focusing on the top questions we’ve been asked as the pandemic started. Please…
Read MoreIt’s true! You can type in everyone’s newest favorite language—emojis—on your Mac or PC laptop, and it’s SUPER easy! Emojis are a crucial way that young people interpret and share emotions in the digital age. So while they are certainly fun and cute, there are other beneficial reasons to use them in your communication with…
Read MoreWe first introduced the Question Slip in 2011. When I learned about the technique from a Canadian conference presenter (if anyone knows who, please let me know! I can’t recall), I quickly found that more than any other simple technique it transformed my students into self-motivated learners. One idea to make sure Question Slips become…
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